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MTN Nigeria Gives Reason Why They Sacked 280 Workers

Telecommunication giants,MTN has given reasons why it

sacked 280 of its employees

on Friday.

In a major shake-up, the

South African telecoms giant

served letters dispensing

with the services of about

15.6 per cent of its entire

1,800 Nigerian workforce.

Those affected included some

200 permanent employees

and about 80 contract staff

across various cadres of its

operations, including

graduates and senior managers in all departments

of the organization. Majority of those affected had put in more than

15 years, having joined MTN since it commenced business in Nigeria in


But MTN spokesperson, Funso Aina, said the disengagement

of the workers was part of an

ongoing business

transformation drive towards

sustained growth, to

facilitate the firm's continued role as a partner for progress and

socio-economic development in Nigeria.

"MTN is a diverse community

of committed change agents,

brought together in pursuit of a common goal – driving

growth and transformation

by sharing our technology. Our people are our greatest

asset, each individual's

knowledge, experience and

ideas contributes to our

continued growth and

improvement. As such, ensuring a healthy and highly

motivated workforce is a

priority for us," Mr. Aina said.

He said it was with the

above in mind that the

company decided to implement a Voluntary

Severance Scheme, VSS,

designed to balance

individual employee needs

with business exigencies of

the company. The scheme, he explained,

was based on feedback from

employees, following

consultation with elected

employee representatives.

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